become a theo
Why become a Theo?
Artists throughout history have needed financial support to assist them in their calling to create.
Theodorus "Theo" Van Gogh supported his younger brother Vincent in his artistic endeavors. It is conceivable that without this support, Vincent Van Gogh would never have created the beautiful works of art many enjoy today.
By becoming a Theo you help to sustain Greenly’s work with artists in the community. Through your generous donations our small non-profit gives artists a space to share their work as well as the encouragement to create new work. For a donation of $25 or more you will receive a "Theo" pin (pictured below, created by Greenly's Art Board Member, Claire Jacobson).
Below we have the options for both recurring donations as well as one time donations. Choose your donation, choose your frequency, and let your gift continue to help the arts here at Greenly thrive! Donate below...

make a donation
Below, you are able to make one time donations or monthly recurring donations of the specified amounts below. If You are unable to make the donations recommended, please feel free to input your own amount for either a one time donation or a recurring donation. We thank you for you support!