For the month of August, it was decided to hold my mentoring meeting at the site of my exhibition in October at Greenly Art Space. We thought it would be good to view some of the work in progress outside of my studio and enjoy the quiet and intimate space of Greenly’s gallery and discuss some ideas about my work and my goals for the show.

Some of the new things I’ve been finding in these works in progress are symbols having to do with containment and security. The use of these symbols can mean many things to different kinds of individuals and that’s the beauty of art, there is not one answer. In my practice, I walk a fine line within the images I make between being very literal and ambiguous. I am aware that viewers of my work will gain different insights and I’m looking forward to those reactions.

As my show draws near, one of the main goals is to offer work that highlights the range of my practice. My expectation is that I’m creating work that is rich in content as well as complex, and thoughtful. As I continue to make more work I know there is a lot of trial and error involved. There are avenues I feel that work really well within the pieces and I’m expanding on these ideas as I progress especially content wise. Simultaneously there are also areas that don’t work but I realize there are things I need to get out of my system and try. Within the cycles of art making you can’t fall in love with the images and expectations you envision. It’s a process. Things will change and evolve over time within the parameters you set as a creator. I am hoping that my training as an artist, my experiences, and vision will translate into a good show.
This activity is supported in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency. Learn more at Any findings, opinions, or conclusions contained herein are not necessarily those of the California Arts Council.