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Marka Burns

Digital Collage/mixed media


I collect images in a variety of ways depending on the meaning and intention of the work. I often create with transparencies, photographs, old books, cameras and a printer to create unexpected combinations in my artwork. Recently I have been incorporating digital media and find it to be magical and intuitive.  I have a lifelong fascination with surrealism I find that using digital media and techniques allows me to put things together in unexpected ways. The most satisfying work I do defies explanation and remains mysterious and elusive. ” Capturing my ideas is a bit like catching butterflies without a net. a fleeting moment in time”, currently I am working on a series that incorporates and integrating digital processes with mixed media and loving the freedom and the time to do it!


To get more information about Marka and her work, visit her website linked below:




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© 2017 by Greenly Art Space

2698 Junipero Ave, Suite 113, Signal Hill Ca, 90755

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