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  current exhibition  
The Transformative Nature of Art
Show open until December 9th, 2016

Greenly Art Space hosted the opening reception of "Alchemy: The Transformative Nature of Art" on October 15th, 2016.


Alchemy is a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way.  Carl Jung stated that the secret of alchemy is that it is a personal journey of transformation that cannot be explained but only experienced.  This show represents five Artists/Art Therapists and their personal journey through the creative process and how it acts as a catalyst for insight and transformation, both for the artist and for their client.                                                                                                                              

"My journey as an art therapist and painter are closely woven together as I continue to explore my own emotional journey of my life. My paintings reflect my feelings and compassion along with a healing presents of joy. As I work with my clients to help them express themselves through art mediums I develop my own sense of discovery and growth in my own work. "                              

– Diana Barnes, MA, MFTI, Art Therapist


"When I act as a witness to the transformative power of art therapy, I often feel an undying need to process and explore the rich symbolism and imagery that come from the clients I work with. In this work, I re-examine my own personal art journal that acted as a powerful tool in finding my identity not only as a therapist but as an artist."

– Amber Cromwell, MA, LMFT, ATR 


"My work depicts animals raising their young in both periods of waiting and hibernation and periods of activity and flourishing as a way to understand the stages of growth in human relationships.  As an art therapist and marriage and family therapist, I witness these strivings in individuals and families all the time.  My hopefulness that growth is possible and belief that nature can afford some innate protections even in the midst of seemingly insurmountable struggle is also apparent in the work."

- Sara DeSmet, MFA, MA, LMFT, ATR


"My work has been a personal journal acting as witness, guide, and healer through the multitudes of transitions life has brought and taken away.  Where there were no words, the art gave me a voice, kept me grounded, and helped to mend the wounds on my journey of transformation.  As an art therapist, I have also been able to witness the power that art has to give voice, guide, and heal for those that search for alchemy in their own lives."

– Maria Fuster, MA, MFTI, ATR


"I'm constantly transforming and morphing into different roles, as I'm juggling being an artist, professional with a career, and mother.  Just like the characters in my paintings, I see this as an opportunity and adventure and not as a burden.  Nature and the elements (fire, water, air and earth) represent to me energy and a renewal process. The show connects five different women in different phases of their lives together with different paths and stories.  All of us believe in the power of creating art that helps define who we are in this specific moment of time. "

 Alexia Kutzner, MFA, MA, LMFT, ATR 

Greenly Art Space is located at 2698 Junipero Ave. #113, Signal Hill, CA 90755.  This exhibit is free and open to the public, and runs from October 15- December 9th. Regular gallery hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 11am to 2pm.


Greenly Art Space is a non-profit dedicated to enriching lives and cultivating community through art. This is done though creating contemplative art shows, bringing art to community schools, and providing mentoring, art therapy, and a space for creating art. 



Maria Fuster (top), Alexia Kutzner (below)

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